- Field of application: Measurement of the particle size of various powder materials.
- Necessary:
- Refractive index of the material to be measured.
- Spherical particles increase measurement accuracy
- Optical unit - light sources:
- Red light (HeNe gas laser, max. power: 4 mW, wavelength: 633 nm).
- Blue light (LED, wavelength 466 nm)
- Measuring cell - flow cell
- Detector - Photo diodes
- Computer incl. software "Mastersizer 2000

The research objectives of process engineering are the production of particles for the application and development of new materials and functional materials. Current topics include reactive and non-reactive spraying, powder and layer formation processes, in combination with process simulation and optimization using multiphase models as well as process and particle characterization. Thus, process engineering is the starting point for research into many material-oriented process chains, as is currently particularly evident in the example of powder production and particle formulation for additive manufacturing.
These research objectives are reflected in the scientific orientation of process engineering with the following research activities:
- Generic process design
- Reactive spray technology
- Multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer
- Powder and particle measurement technology
- Metal sputtering and spray compacting
Generic process design is a fundamental cross-sectional topic in process engineering, which takes place outside the conventional paths of particle/droplet or process research. Generic Process Design is characterized by the deliberate isolation of basic physical and chemical phenomena for research into higher-level laws and has direct interfaces to the Operations unit of process engineering. This is the basis for new and efficient synthesis routes for structural and functional materials.
Contact Person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz Mädler
Director of Process Engineering
Phone: +49 421 218 51200
Email: lmaedler@iwt.uni-bremen.de -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching
Deputy Head of Process Engineering / Head of Multiphase Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer
Phone: +49 421 218 51230
Email: ufri@iwt.uni-bremen.de -
Dr.-Ing. Lydia Achelis
Chief Engineer Process Engineering
Phone: +49 421 218 51222
Email: achelis@iwt.uni-bremen.de
Diffraction spectrometer (Malvern Panalytical, MasterSizer 2000)
Diffraction spectrometer (Malvern Panalytical, MasterSizer 2000)
Diffraction Spectrometer (BSM)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter -DSC (Mettler Toledo, TGA/DSC 3+)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter -DSC (Mettler Toledo, TGA/DSC 3+)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Mettler Toledo, DSC 3+)
- Temperature range: RT to 1600 °C
- Heating rate: 0.02 to 100 K/min
- Cooling rate: 0.02 to 20 K/min
- Cooling time: 1600 to 100 °C in 27 min
- Max. Sampling rate: 10 values per second
- Sample changer: 34 samples
Humidity measurement (Precisa Gravimetrics AG, TYP- 120-HR)
Humidity measurement (Precisa Gravimetrics AG, TYP- 120-HR)
Humidity measurement
- Batch weight: min. 0.01 g - max. 124 g
- No inert gas available
Air Jet Sieve (Hosokawa Alpine, e200 LS)
Air Jet Sieve (Hosokawa Alpine, e200 LS)
Screening machines
Areas of use:
- Determination of particle size distribution
- By means of generated negative pressure, classification can also be achieved with smaller fractions
Additional equipment:
- ALPINE high-performance cyclone GAZ 120 / Material quantity: 1 litre
- Laboratory balance Sartorius Practum® 1102-1S / maximum load up to 1100 g / readability: 0.01 g
- Adapter for test sieves ø 200 mm "Retsch
Measuring Device (CTA)
Measuring Device (CTA)
Measuring device
Measuring Device (HSP)
Measuring Device (HSP)
Measuring device
Measuring Device (LDA / PDA)
Measuring Device (LDA / PDA)
Measuring device
Measuring Device (PIV)
Measuring Device (PIV)
Measuring device
Laser Powder Bed Fusion - LPBF (Aconity 3D GmbH, AconityMINI)
Laser Powder Bed Fusion - LPBF (Aconity 3D GmbH, AconityMINI)
Laser Powder Bed Fusion - LPBF
- Single laser with 400 W
- Focus diameter 45-500 µm
- Layer thickness variation 10-100 µm
- installation space Ø200 mm x H 200 mm
- package space reduction to Ø55 mm
- Substrate plate heating up to 800 °C
- N2 and Ar inert gas operation
- Pyrometer temperature measurement
- Additional vibrating powder coater
Metal powder-based additive manufacturing - PBF-LB/M (SLM Solutions, SLM125)
Metal powder-based additive manufacturing - PBF-LB/M (SLM Solutions, SLM125)
Laser Powder Bed Fusion - LPBF
- Installation space 125x125x125 mm
- Single 400 W laser
- Building plate heating up to 200 °C
- Focus diameter 70 µm
Metal Atomisation System PA4 (Pulse Atomisation)
Metal Atomisation System PA4 (Pulse Atomisation)
Metal atomization equipment PA4
- Indirect induction heating
- Crucible volume 500 ml
- Crucible material: graphite, aluminium oxide
- Inert gases: nitrogen or argon
- Particle sizes (mass median): 300-800 µm
- Falling distance: 4 m
- Maximum melt temperature: 1500 °C
- Product form: Powder
- Alloys: Cu, Sn, Al, etc.
- Atomisation process: Pulse atomisation
Metal Atomisation System PA5 (CCA, FFA, no explosive powders)
Metal Atomisation System PA5 (CCA, FFA, no explosive powders)
Metal atomization equipment PA5
- Indirect induction heating
- Crucible volume 1000 ml
- Crucible material: graphite, aluminium oxide
- Inert gases: nitrogen or argon
- Particle sizes (mass median): 20 - 200 µm
- Falling distance: 4 m
- Maximum melt temperature: 1500 °C
- Product form: Powder
- Alloys: Cu, Sn, etc. (no explosive powders)
- Atomisation process: Close-coupled and free-fall
- Hot gas atomisation up to 350 °C
Metal atomisation system PA7 (CCA, FFA, no explosive powders)
Metal atomisation system PA7 (CCA, FFA, no explosive powders)
Metal atomization equipment PA7
- Indirect induction heating
- Crucible volume 1000 ml
- Crucible material: graphite, aluminium oxide
- Inert gases: nitrogen or argon
- Particle sizes (mass median): 20 to 200 µm
- Falling distance: 4 m
- Maximum melt temperature: 1750 °C
- Product form: Powder, tubes
- Alloys: Cu, Sn, Fe, etc.(no explosive powders)
- Atomisation process: Close-coupled and free-fall
- Hot gas atomisation up to 350 °C
- Spray compacting of tubes up to approx. 200 mm length
- Anti-satellite system
Metal Atomisation System PA8 (CCA, FFA, explosive powders)
Metal Atomisation System PA8 (CCA, FFA, explosive powders)
Metal atomization equipment PA8
- Indirect induction heating
- Crucible volume 3000 ml
- Crucible material: graphite, aluminium oxide
- Inert gases: nitrogen or argon
- Particle sizes (mass median): 20-200 µm
- Falling distance: 3 m
- Maximum melt temperature: 1500 °C
- Product form: Powder
- Alloys: Cu, Sn, Al, etc.(explosive powders)
- Atomisation process: Close-coupled and free-fall
- Hot gas atomisation up to 350 °C
Particle Analysis (Malvern Panalytical, Morphologi G3)
Particle Analysis (Malvern Panalytical, Morphologi G3)
Particle analysis
Areas of use:
- Determination of particle shape, size and number
- for dry, finely to coarsely dispersed, cohesive powders, fibres and granulates
- Porosity measurement of the polished surface
Computer incl. "Morphology" software
Polishing machine (PERSI, 234)
Polishing machine (PERSI, 234)
Polishing machine
- Area of use: Preparation of metallographic samples of powders and discs (grinding and polishing).
- Polishing a maximum of four samples at the same time
Sample Divider (Retsch, PT100)
Sample Divider (Retsch, PT100)
Sample divider
- Powder is divided into 8 equal parts
- Feed quantity max. 2000 ml (250 ml per container)
- Feed particle size max. 10 mm
- Setting of time (0-60 min) and amplitude (0-100)
Powder Mixer (WAB GmbH, Turbula T2F)
Powder Mixer (WAB GmbH, Turbula T2F)
Powder mixer
- Free-fall mixer according to Schatz mixing principle
- Max. container size 2 L
- Max. permissible load 6 kg (23-101 min-1) & 10 kg (23-72 min-1)
- Infinitely variable speed
Rheological measuring device (DataPhysics OCA15 optical contact angle meter)
Rheological measuring device (DataPhysics OCA15 optical contact angle meter)
Rheolocial Measuring Device
- Measurement of dynamic surface tension
- Determination of the surface energy of solids
Rheological measuring device (Rheometer Netzsch Kinexus Pro+)
Rheological measuring device (Rheometer Netzsch Kinexus Pro+)
Rheolocial Measuring Device
- Determination of the viscosity of complex (non-Newtonian) fluids
- Wide shear rate range
- Temperable up to 200°C
- cone, plate, cylinder, gap geometries for low to high viscosity liquids
Rheological measuring device (stability analyzer Formulaction TurbiScan)
Rheological measuring device (stability analyzer Formulaction TurbiScan)
Rheolocial Measuring Device
- Characterization of the dispersion state of emulsions
- Determination of the mean particle diameter
- Stability index
- Coagulation kinetics
Rheological measuring device (Krüss K100C tensiometer)
Rheological measuring device (Krüss K100C tensiometer)
Rheolocial Measuring Device
- Determination of the surface tension of liquids
- Contact angle measurements for (particulate) solids
- Measurement of CMC (critical micelle concentration)
- Temperable up to 150°C
Classifier (Hosokawa Alpine, multi-process plant)
Classifier (Hosokawa Alpine, multi-process plant)
- Separation of powder < approx. 200 µm into fine and coarse powder fractions, especially also in the range < 25 µm. Two containers: coarse and fine.
- Operation with inert gas (Ar or N2).
- Alloys: Fe, Cu, Al, etc. (explosive powders).
- Speed classifier wheel: 2200 - 22000 rpm.
- Volume flow: 40 - 120 m³/h.
- ATEX filter
Sieving Machine (Retsch, Vibro)
Sieving Machine (Retsch, Vibro)
Screening machines
- Screening tower: several screens with different mesh sizes can be used simultaneously
- For suspensions, powders, bulk materials
- Usable sieve diameters: 100-200 mm
- Adjustment of time (0-60 min) and amplitude (0-100)
Example mesh sizes and max. feed quantities:
- 25 µm -> 14 cm³
- 45 µm -> 20 cm³
- 63 µm -> 26 cm³
- 125 µm -> 38 cm³
- 250 µm -> 58 cm³
- 500 µm -> 88 cm³
- 1 mm -> 126 cm³
- 2 mm -> 220 cm³
Link (similar device): www.retsch.de/de/produkte/sieben/siebmaschinen/as-200-basic/funktion-merkmale/
Spray Compactors SK1+
Spray Compactors SK1+
Spray compactors SK1+
- Direct induction heating
- Crucible volume 5000 ml and 12000 ml
- Crucible material: aluminium oxide
- Inert gases: nitrogen or argon
- Drop distance: 1 m
- Maximum melt temperature: 1750 °C
- Product shape: Rings, tubes, flat products
- Alloys: Cu, Sn, Fe, etc.
- Atomisation process: Free-fall
Spray tower 1 (Production of Metal Powder and Spray Cone Analysis)
Spray tower 1 (Production of Metal Powder and Spray Cone Analysis)
Spray tower
Spraying tower 2 (Single-substance Atomisation, Narrow Particle Size Distributions)
Spraying tower 2 (Single-substance Atomisation, Narrow Particle Size Distributions)
Spray tower
Tamping Volumeter (J. Engelsmann AG, STAV-II)
Tamping Volumeter (J. Engelsmann AG, STAV-II)
Powder characterization according to EN ISO 7897-11
- Measuring cylinder up to 250 ml
- Sound-absorbing bonnet KU H550
- Number of strokes 5-9995
Determination of Substance Values (goniometer)
Determination of Substance Values (goniometer)
Material value determination of fluids
- Emulsion stability
Determination of Substance Values (pycnometer)
Determination of Substance Values (pycnometer)
Material value determination of fluids
- Density measurement
- Dyn. surface tension Interface analysis
Determination of Substance Values (drop size: Horiba LA-960 )
Determination of Substance Values (drop size: Horiba LA-960 )
Material value determination of fluids
- Composition of emulsions and pastes
Determination of Material Values (viscometer)
Determination of Material Values (viscometer)
Material value determination of fluids
- Determination of viscosities for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology (DANTEC, phase Doppler anemometer)
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology (DANTEC, phase Doppler anemometer)
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology
- Particle size and velocity
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology (laser spectrometer UV-Vis)
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology (laser spectrometer UV-Vis)
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology
- Substance concentration
- Temperature
Flow and in-process Particle Measurement Technology (Sympatec, BSM)
Flow and in-process Particle Measurement Technology (Sympatec, BSM)
Flow and in-process particle measurement technology
- Particle size (in sprays)
- Droplet concentration
Thermobalance (METTLER TOLEDO ME204T)
Thermobalance (METTLER TOLEDO ME204T)
- Maximum load: 220 g
- Readability: 0.1 mg
- Minimum sample weight: 160 mg
- Adjustment: Internal / FACT
- Weighing pan diameter: 90 mm
- Stabilisation time: 2 s
- Repeatability: 0.08 mg
Cutting-off machine (Isomet High Speed Pro)
Cutting-off machine (Isomet High Speed Pro)
Cutting-off machine
- Disc is guided to the sample
- Travel: 190 mm
- Variable wheel speed 200 to 5000 rpm
- Constant feed rate Cutting capacity up to Ø 71 mm
Ultrasonic bath (Bandelin Sonorex RK 1040)
Ultrasonic bath (Bandelin Sonorex RK 1040)
Ultrasonic bath
- Areas of application: Laboratory and workshop area, sieve cleaning.
- Dimensions: Oscillating tank: D 500 x 195 Exterior: 540 x 500 mm D x H
- Capacity: 38.0 litres, working capacity 28.0 litres
- Timer 1 - 15 min and continuous operation
Vibration Screening Machine (Russelfinex NV, compact screen 400)
Vibration Screening Machine (Russelfinex NV, compact screen 400)
Vibration screening machine
- Vibration excitation of the feed material
- Double-deck screening machine
- Ultrasonic screen cleaning system
- Sieve size Ø40 cm
- Sieve mesh sizes 20-200 µm
- N2 and Ar protective gas screening
Visualisation Methods (short-term videography)
Visualisation Methods (short-term videography)
Visualisation process
Visualisation Method (laser light sectioning system)
Visualisation Method (laser light sectioning system)
Visualisation process
Visualisation Methods (Schlieren optics systems)
Visualisation Methods (Schlieren optics systems)
Visualisation process
Atomisation Plant (dispersion, separation and conditioning of particles)
Atomisation Plant (dispersion, separation and conditioning of particles)
Atomisation system
Atomisation System (transport of particles)
Atomisation System (transport of particles)
Atomisation system
Atomisation Plant (atomisation of fluids, melts and solutions, suspensions and emulsions)
Atomisation Plant (atomisation of fluids, melts and solutions, suspensions and emulsions)
Atomisation system