- Polychromator in Paschen-Runge arrangement, 28 elements.
- Sample stand water-cooled, purging and shielding gas Ar5.0, standard aperture Ø 6 mm.
- Measuring volume: focal spot size approx. Ø 6 mm on surface, depth in center approx. 0.03 mm depending on material.
- Measuring programs for steel (low alloy, Cr, CrNi steel, HSS, manganese steel),
- for C-N depth gradients (N up to max. 0.8%); for aluminum materials (low alloy, AlMg alloys with Mg up to 30%, AlSi alloys with Si up to 30%); copper-based materials
- Detection limits: dependent on material and element, order of magnitude several 10 ppm.
- Samples: electrically conductive, flat, clean surface, roughness promotes sparking (preparation: freshly ground). Ideal analysis area approx. 20x20 mm, minimum Ø 9 mm, maximum approx. Ø 80 mm; sample thickness minimum 1 mm, maximum 50 mm.
- The measured values of the application sample are corrected as standard to compensate for systematic deviations by comparative measurements of certified standard samples using the regression method.
Result: Element concentrations in mass %.
Full analyses, individual elements, C-N depth curves.