Microorganisms such as bacteria, archaeae, fungi and algae are omnipresent in our environment. They colonise, often modify or even destroy the most diverse materials and substances.
In addition to research work, we offer a range of microbiological analyses, tests and standard tests as services for private and public clients as well as for companies in the following areas:
- Mineral building materials
- Metallic materials
- Plastics
- Technical fluids
We use both classical methods (cultivation and isolation) and modern methods (molecular biology, MALDI biotyper) for our investigations.
Due to the integration into an institute, which is home to different disciplines, an interdisciplinary cooperation in the investigation of damages and in research projects is possible for us.
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The working group Microbiology focuses on the investigation of the mechanisms of colonization, modification and destruction of materials by microorganisms. For a microbiologist this topic is rather unusual and there are only a few working groups worldwide active in this field.
The microorganisms we are dealing with are bacteria, archaeae, moulds, yeasts, higher fungi and algae. The Microbiology group has its own collection of microorganism strains. These have been isolated to a large extent within the scope of projects and from damage cases. Isolates can be selected from this strain collection for use under realistic test conditions.
The Microbiology Group of the MPA Bremen is dedicated to the following main topics in the service area and in applied research projects:
- Mineral building materials (biogenic sulphuric acid corrosion, preservation of historical monuments, recycling, biofilters, biogas plants)
- Metallic materials (microbially influenced corrosion, MIC, corrosion protection by external power plants, effectiveness of coatings, biogas plants, wind power plants, sheet piling)
- Plastics (biocide coatings, corrosion protection coatings, nanomaterials, biostability)
- Technical fluids (cooling lubricants, anodising baths, quenching media)
Our laboratory is accredited by the DAkkS and offers a range of microbiological analyses, tests and standard tests as services for private and public clients as well as companies in addition to research work.
We can perform the following standard tests for you:
Plastics - Determination of the impact of microorganisms on plastics
Standard Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Immobilized Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions
Testing the mould resistance of synthetic polymer materials
JIS Z 2801:2010 (Amendment 1:2012)
Antimicrobial products - Test for antimicrobial activity and efficacy
Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastic and other non-porous surfaces
Testing of antibacterial activity and efficacy on textile products
DIN EN 15457:2014
Coating materials - Laboratory method for testing the effectiveness of film preservatives in a coating against fungi
DIN EN 15458:2014
Paints and varnishes - Laboratory method for testing the effectiveness of film preservatives in a coating against algae
Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement strategies for the detection of indoor mould
Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment - Fungus Resistance
Testing of textiles - Determination of the effect of microscopic fungi (microfungi)
MIL-STD-810G Method 508.6 Fungus
AITM 3-0026 Sealants - Determination of microbiological performance
AITM 7-0011 Resistance to fungal growth
Both classical methods (cultivation and isolation) and modern methods (detection and identification of microorganisms by molecular biological methods and via the MALDI Biotyper) are used for the investigation of microorganisms.
One of our strengths is to be integrated into an institute that combines different scientific disciplines. A lively exchange across disciplinary boundaries enables a fruitful interdisciplinary approach to solving a wide range of problems.
Within the Microbiology Group, many bachelor, diploma, master and doctoral theses were worked on within the framework of national and international projects, which led to many publications in renowned journals. Members of the research group are well networked nationally and internationally. This is also reflected in the reviewing activities for various journals and project sponsors in Germany and abroad.
Biological desulfurication of raw biogas by Green Sulfur Bacteria
The goal of this project is to develop a method for a downstream biological desulfurization of the raw biogas as a cost-efficient and sustainable alternative to already applied techniques.
Today the current method for the removal of hydrogen sulfide is the injection of air into the gas phase of biogas plants to promote the transfer hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulfur. This process is difficult to control and in many cases, a microbial oxidation of sulfur to sulfuric acid is observed. Therefore, massive corrosion events will occur in the gas phase of the biogas plant.
The goal of this project is to develop a method for a downstream biological desulfurization of the raw biogas as a cost-efficient and sustainable alternative to already applied techniques. The application of anaerobic phototrophic bacteria at low light intensities (infrared light) for the removal of hydrogen sulfide from raw biogas represents a new and interesting possibility.
Editing: IWT-WT-MPA-Microbiology
Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture/FNR 22041918
Dr. rer. nat. Jan Kuever
Tel.: 0421 53708 70
E-Mail: kuever@mpa-bremen.de