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Material development for laser additive manufacturing using the example of aluminum-silicon-magnesium alloys


Date:14.03.2024 / 16-17 Uhr
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Knoop

Research Scientist Lightweight Materials

Title:Material development for laser additive manufacturing using the example of aluminum-silicon-magnesium alloys
Registration:via mail to 
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Registration deadline: 13.03.2024



A consistent reduction in the weight of metallic components manufactured using additive manufacturing processes requires not only the constructive redesign of end products and assemblies, but also the use of materials adapted to the manufacturing process. 

Until now, selective laser beam melting in a powder bed (PBF-LB/M) has mainly used materials that have been developed and adapted for processing using other manufacturing methods. The material technology potential of the PBF-LB/M process, such as rapid solidification from the melt to the near-net-shape component, is therefore not utilized. 

Using the example of Al-Si-Mg alloys, it is shown how the process characteristics of the additive manufacturing process can be used profitably and how the behavior and properties of these materials can be controlled. The microstructure and the precipitation state, which can be adjusted by a heat treatment downstream of the additive manufacturing process, but are also changed by the thermal conditions present in the manufacturing process, are decisive for this.