80. HeatTreatmentCongress 2024
Event details
50679 Köln
The 80th HeatTreatmentCongress of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V., AWT, will take place in Cologne from October 8-10, 2024. As the largest European specialist congress on heat treatment and materials technology, manufacturing and process engineering, the congress will once again provide important contributions and impulses on the subject of heat treatment and materials technology in 2024. The congress offers participants the opportunity to find out about the latest research and development results in the entire process chain of steels, from material development to production, including processing, over two days.
Students and trainees have free admission to the congress and trade fair event! Personal members of AWT are granted a discount of 50 EUR on the congress tickets and have free admission to the trade fair.
Further information on registration and this year's lecture program can be found here.