Dipl.-Ing. Axel Meyer
Head of Civil Engineering, Head of Surveillance and Certification Body for Building Materials
Departments: Civil Engineering , Microscopy of Building Materials , Institute for Materials Testing (MPA)
MPA - Room 0460
Paul-Feller-Str. 1
28199 Bremen
Personal data
Research profiles
Construction materials with a focus on recycled construction materials
Structural damage and prevention
Academic education with degree
1988 | Diploma (Leibniz University Hannover) |
1981 – 1988 | Studies in civil engineering, specializing in structural engineering (Leibniz University of Hanover) |
Professional career since graduation
Since 2006 | Head of the DVGW test center |
Since 2004 | Head of Surveillance and Certification Body for Building Materials of the MPA Bremen |
Since 1995 | Head of Civil Engineering |
Since | Deputy Head of Civil Engineering |
Since 1988 | Research scientist at Leibniz-IWT |
1994 | DGQ specialist auditor for construction |
Offices and Memberships
DIN committees |
Association of German Concrete Engineers e.V. |
Latest 10 publications
Unerprobte Materialien; Baustoffrisiken.Typische Baumängel Typische Baumängel. Ganten, H., Kindereit, E., Hrsg. C.H. Beck Verlag, 450-465.