- A
- Phone: +49 421 218 51101
FZB - Room 0380 - Phone: +49 421 218 51222
FZB - Room 1460 - Phone: +49 421 218 51170
LFM - Room 1110 - Michael Adebar | Chairman of the Works Council/ Technician - Mechanical-Technological Building Materials Testing
adebar@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 31
FZB - Room 1370 - Dipl.-Ing. Andrey Alles-Rybalkin | Technician - Technical Management of Mechanical-Technological Building Material Testing
alles-rybalkin@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 17 - Phone: +49 421 218 51414
FZB - Room 1190 - Phone: +49 421 218 51144
FZB - Room FZB 0530 - Phone: +49 421 218 51319
FZB - Room 2280 - Dipl.-Ing. Hakan Aycil | Research Scientist - Concrete ÜK 2/3, Surveillance and Certification, Quality Management, Research
aycil@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 60
- Phone: +49 421 218 64530
IW 1 - Room 1110 - Phone: +49 421 218 51337
Halle 2A - Room 0150 - Phone: +49 421 53708 81
MPA - Phone: +49 421 53708 11
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51163
LFM - Room 2090 - Phone: +49 421 218 51372
FZB - Room 1140 - Phone: +49 421 218 51155
LFM - Room 2010 - Phone: +49 421 218 51133
Halle 1B - Room 0260 - Phone: +49 421 218 51214
FZB - Room 1470 - Phone: +49 421 218 51466
Halle 2A - Room 0220 - Phone: +49 421 218 51385
FZB - Room 0600 - Phone: +49 421 218 51131
FZB - Room 2330 - Phone: +49 421 53708 35
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51429
FZB - Room 2450 - Phone: +49 421 218 51442
FZB - Room 0330 - Phone: +49 421 218 51352
FZB - Room 0310 - Phone: +49 421 218 51402
FZB - Room 1310 - Phone: +49 421 218 51370
FZB - Room 0341 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Ekkard Brinksmeier | Former Director
brinksmeier@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51103
Contact via Daria Abel (Secretariat) FZB - Room 0380 - Room LFM 2020 - Phone: +49 421 53708 32
MPA - Room 120 - Phone: +49 421 218 51169
FZB - Room 1310 - Gerhard Bukowski | Technical Management of Mechanical-Technological Building Material Testing - Head of Training Building Material Testing
bukowski@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 30
MPA - Sarah Bunge | Administration - Application Management – Head of Training Office Management
bunge@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51415
FZB - Room 0300 - Phone: +49 421 218 51343
Härterei/Halle 2B: +49 421 218 51469
Härtereibüro: +49 421 218 51348
FZB/ Halle 2B - Room 2440 / 0120 - Phone: +49 421 218 51317
FZB - Room 1340 - Phone: +49 421 218 51145
FZB - Room 1240 - C
- Phone: +49 421 218 51148
FZB - Room 0410 - Phone: +49 421 218 64507
IW 1 - Room 1010 - Phone: +49 421 218 51355
FZB - Room 1300 - Phone: +49 421 218 51124
FZB - Room 0400 - Phone: +49 421 218 51404
FZB - Room 2470 - Phone: +49 421 218 51368
FZB - Room 1180 - D
- Phone: +49 421 53708 20
FZB- Phone: +49 421 218 64900
IW 1 - Room 0162 - Manuela Dörnmann | Technician - Mechanical-Technological Building Materials Testing
doernmann@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 39
MPA - Room 103 - Phone: +49 421 218 51150
FZB - Room 0410 - Phone: +49 421 53708 72
MPA - Room 215 - E
- Phone: +49 421 218 51407
FZB - Room 2460 - Phone: +49 421 218 51182
FZB - Room 0490 - Phone: +49 421 53708 61
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51320
FZB - Room 1330 - Phone: +49 421 218 64519
IW 1 - Room 1040 - Phone: +49 421 6168842
- Phone: +49 421 218 51238
FZB - Room 1490 - Martin Engel | Technician - Hardness testing, Consulting / Representative for Severely Disabled Persons
engel@iwt-bremen.de - Phone: +49 421 218 51335
FZB - Room 1110 - Phone: +49 421 218 64522
IW 1 - Room 1060 - F
- Phone: +49 421 218 51165
LFM - Room 1110 - Phone: +49 421 218 51310
FZB - Room 2290 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Fechte-Heinen | Chairman of the IWT Board of Directors / Director of MPA Bremen
fechte@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51300
FZB - Room 2370 - Phone: +49 421 218 51219
FZB - Room 1280 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching | Deputy Head of Process Engineering / Head of Multiphase Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer
ufri@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51230
FZB - Room 1380 - Phone: +49 421 218 64528
IW 1 - Room 1060 - G
- Phone: +49 421 218 51364
FZB - Room 1180 - Dr. forest. Jana Gelbrich | Research Scientist and Head of Laboratory Wood and lignocellulosic Building Materials - certified expert for Wood Preservation (EIPOS), Wood Preservation Research and Wood Cultural Heritage Management
gelbrich@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 23
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51231
FZB - Room 1450 - Phone: +49 421 218 51147
Halle 1B - Room 1270 - Phone: +49 421 218 51217
FZB - Room 1500 - Phone: +49 421 218 51447
LFM - Room 2010 - Phone: +49 421 218 51393
FZB - Room 1280 - Phone: +49 421 218 51417
FZB - Room 2480 - Phone: +49 421 218 64529
IW 1 - Room 1100 - Phone: +49 421 218 51143
FZB - Room 0530 - H
- M.A. Carolin Haller | Head of Science Communication - Press and Public Relations - Event Management
haller@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51374
FZB - Room 2480 - Phone: +49 421 218 51366
FZB - Room 1170 - Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Hantzsche | Research Scientist / Women's and Gender Equality Representative
hantzsche@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51430
FZB - Room 1140 - Phone: +49 421 218 51439
FZB - Room 2450
MPA- Phone: +49 421 218 51400
FZB - Room 0320 - Phone: +49 421 218 51338
FZB - Room 2460 - Phone: +49 421 53708 28
MPA - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Carsten Heinzel | Deputy Head of Manufacturing Technologies
heinzel@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51110
FZB - Room 0470 - Phone: +49 421 218 51490
FZB - Room 0290 - Phone: +49 421 53708 55
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51168
FZB - Room 0430 - Phone: +49 421 53708 22
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51395
FZB - Room 2490 - Phone: +49 421 218 51334
FZB - Room 1120 - Phone: +49 421 53708 27
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51341
FZB - Room 2430 - Phone: +49 421 218 51325
FZB - Room 1190 - Phone: +49 421 218 51190
FZB - Room 0420 - I
- Dr.-Ing. Andree Irretier | Head of Department Metallic Materials and Structures / Head of Department Metallographic Analysis
irretier@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51419
MPA / FZB - Room 1220 - J
- Phone: +49 421 218 51326
FZB - Room 1350 - Phone: +49 421 218 51445
Halle 2A - Room 0210 - Phone: +49 421 218 51400
FZB - Room 0320 - K
- Phone: +49 421 218 51202
IW 1 - Room 1120 - Phone: +49 421 218 51315
FZB - Room 2330 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Karpuschewski | Director of Manufacturing Technologies
karpuschewski@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51100
FZB - Room 0360 - Phone: +49 421 218 51175
LFM - Room 0100 - Phone: +49 421 218 51449
FZB - Room 0340 - Phone: +49 421 218 51151
FZB - Room 0490 - Phone: +49 421 218 51427
FZB - Room 1300 - Phone: +49 421 218 51339
IW 1 - Room 1157 - Phone: +49 421 218 51396
Labor : +49 421 218 51397
Büro MPA 215: +49 421 53708 59
Halle 2A / MPA - Room 1220 / 215 - Phone: +49 421 218 51383
FZB - Room Halle 2 - Raum 0220 - Phone: +49 421 218 51356
FZB - Room 1150 - Phone: +49 421 218 64902
IW 1 - Room 0162 - Phone: +49 421 218 51465
FZB - Room 0330 - Phone: +49 421 218 51435
FZB - Room 2270 - Phone: +49 421 218 51413
FZB - Room 1180 - Phone: +49 421 218 51172
LFM - Room 0100 - Phone: +49 421 218 51142
FZB - Room 0410 - Phone: +49 421 218 51382
FZB - Room 0330 - Phone: +49 421 218 51141
FT - Room FZB 0530 - Phone: +49 421 218 51412
FZB - Room 0290 - Dipl.-Ing. Ricarda Küstermann | Assistent of the Chairman oft the Board of Directors
kuestermann@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51301
FZB - Room 2350 - Phone: +49 421 53708 70
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 64502
IW 1 - Room 1100 - L
- Phone: +49 421 218 51113
FZB - Room 0510 - Phone: +49 421 218 51356
FZB - Room 1150 - Phone: +49 421 218 51122
LFM - Room 1080 - Phone: +49 421 218 51466
Halle 2A - Room 0250 - Phone: +49 421 218 51349
FZB - Room 0330 - Phone: +49 421 218 51381
FZB - Room 0340 - Phone: +49 421 218 51321
FZB - Room 2410 - M
- Phone: +49 421 218 51200
FZB - Room 1410 - Phone: +49 421 218 51164
FZB - Room 0500 - Phone: +49 421 218 51428
FZB - Room 1170 - Phone: +49 421 218 64508
IW1 - Room 1020 - Phone: +49 421 218 51377
FZB - Room 2280 - Phone: +49 421 218 51478
FZB - Room 1140 - Phone: +49 421 218 51132
FZB - Room 0440 - Phone: +49 421 53708 16
MPA - Room 215 - Dipl.-Ing. Axel Meyer | Head of Civil Engineering, Head of Surveillance and Certification Body for Building Materials
meyer@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 21
MPA - Room 0460 - PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Biol. Daniel Meyer | Chief Engineer Manufacturing Technologies
dmeyer@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51149
FZB - Room 0460 - Phone: +49 421 218 51181
Halle 1B - Room 0260 - Phone: +49 421 218 51313
Halle 2B - Room HA1090 - Constanze Müller | ControllerPhone: +49 421 218 51422
FZB - Room FZB 0340 - Phone: +49 421 218 51418
FZB - Room 0370 - N
- Phone: +49 421 218 51120
LFM - Room 1060 - Phone: 51231
FZ Halle - Room 1280 - Phone: +49 421 218 51140
FZB - Room 0400 - O
- Phone: +49 421 218 51303
FZB - Room 2470 - Stephanie Oeters | Technical Employee - Mechanical-Technological Building Materials Testing / Quality Management MPA / Deputy Women's and Gender Equality Representative
oeters@mpa-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 34
MPA - Room 101 - Phone: +49 421 218 51215
FZB - Room 1360 - Ö
- Phone: +49 421 218 51369
FZB - Room 2300 - P
- Frank Peschel | TechnicianPhone: +49 421 218 64521
- Phone: +49 421 53708 71
MPA - Phone: +49 421 218 51218
FZB - Room 1510 - Phone: +49 421 218 51448
FZB - Room 1190 - R
- Phone: +49 421 218 51446
FZB - Room 1130 - Phone: +49 421 218 51371
FZB - Room 1240 - Phone: +49 421 218 51191
Halle 1B - Room 1260 - Phone: +49 421 218 51160
LFM - Room 2110 - Martina Rickers | Technical Management Metallographic Analytics - Organisation, Assignments & Head of Training Materials Testing
rickers@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51436
FZB - Room 1210 - Phone: +49 421 218 51254
FZB - Room 1530 - Dr.-Ing. Oltmann Riemer | Head of High-precision technology / Head of Laboratory for Precision Machining (LFM)
riemer@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51121
LFM - Room 1070 - S
- Phone: +49 421 218 51406
FZB - Room 1310 - Phone: 0421 218 51312
FZB - Room 2475 - Phone: +49 421 218 64511
FZB - Room 1420/1140 - Phone: +49 421 218 64516
IW 1 - Room 1156 - Phone: 0421 218-51387
FZB - Room 0270 - Phone: +49 421 218 51373
FZB - Room 1370 - M.A. Belinda Schicks | Head of Science Communication - Press and Public Relations- HTM Editorial Office
schicks@iwt-bremen.de - Phone: +49 421 218 51311
FZB - Room 2320 - M.Sc. Stefanie Schmidt | Head of Spectrometry Laboratory / Inclusion Representative
schmidt@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51351
FZB - Room 2415 - Phone: +49 421 218 51375
FZB - Room 1120 - Phone: +49 421 5370832
MPA - Room N.N. - Phone: +49 421 218 51201
FZB - Room 1420 - Phone: +49 421 218 51146
LFM - Room 1130
MPA- Phone: +49 421 218 51152
FZB - Room 0490 - Phone: +49 421 218 51466
Halle 2A - Room 0250 - Phone: 0421 218 51357
Halle 2A - Room 0250 / 0190 - Phone: +49 421 218 51405
FZB - Room 2485 - Phone: +49 421 218 51232
FZB - Room 1480 - Phone: +49 421 218 51187
FZB - Room 0450 - Phone: +49 421 53708 79
MPA - Room 111 - Phone: +49 421 218 51440
FZB - Room 1240 - Phone: +49 421 218 51221
IW 1/2 - Room 1110 - Phone: +49 421 218 51183
FZB - Room 0430 - Phone: +49 421 218 51280
Halle 1B - Room 1200 - Phone: +49 421 218 51327
FZB - Room 2320 - Phone: +49 421 218 51342
FZB - Room 2420 - Assoc. Prof. (Thai) Dr.-Ing. Piyada Suwanpinij | Head of Working Group Metallurgy and Metal Forming
suwanpinij@iwt-bremen.de - T
- Phone: +49 421 218 51212
FZB - Room 1400 - Phone: +49 421 218 51416
FZB - Room 1350 - Phone: +49 421 218 51443
FZB - Room 0270 - Dr.-Ing. Rainer Tinscher | Chief Engineer / Deputy Head of Materials Engineering
tinscher@iwt-bremen.de - Phone: +49 421 218 51161
Halle 1B - Room 0260 - Phone: +49 421 218 51491
FZB - Room 1200 - Phone: +49 421 218 51235
FZB 1450 - U
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Ufermann-Wallmeier | Deputy Director of MPA Bremen
ufermann-wallmeier@iwt-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 53708 46
MPA - Dr.-Ing. Volker Uhlenwinkel | Former Head of Melt Atomization and Spray Forming
uhl@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 64506
Halle 1B - Room 1260 - V
- Phone: +49 421 218 64512
IW 1 - Room 1050 - Phone: +49 421 218 51380
FZB - Room 0280 - Phone: +49 421 218 51210
Halle 1B - Room 1500 - Phone: +49 421 53708 18
- W
- Phone: +49 421 218 51367
FZB - Room 0090 - Phone: +49 421 218 51162
LFM - Room 1100 - Phone: +49 421 218 51237
FZB - Room 1440 - Phone: +49 421 218 51223
FZB - Room 1440 - Phone: +49 421 218 51454
FZB - Room 2480 - Phone: +49 421 218 51441
FZB - Room 0370 - Phone: +49 421 218 51135
Halle 1B - Room 0260 - Phone: +49 421 218 51216
FZB - Room 1490 - M.A. Nele Woehlert | explore.ING: Project Coordination, Science Communication & Promotion of young Scientists; Science Communication Research
woehlert@iwt.uni-bremen.dePhone: +49 421 218 51154
FZB - Room 0520 - Phone: +49 421 218 51309
FZB - Room 2290