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Leibniz-IWT has been part of the Leibniz Association since 2018. The Leibniz Association connects 93 independent research institutions. Its focus ranges from the natural sciences, engineering and environmental sciences to economics, spatial and social sciences and the humanities. Leibniz institutes are dedicated to socially, economically and ecologically relevant issues.

They conduct knowledge- and application-oriented research, including in the overarching Leibniz research networks, they are or maintain scientific infrastructures and offer research-based services.

The Leibniz Association sets priorities in knowledge transfer, especially with the Leibniz research museums. It advises and informs politics, science, industry and the public. Leibniz institutions maintain close cooperation with universities - for example, in the form of the Leibniz Science Campi, with industry and other partners in Germany and abroad. They are subject to a transparent and independent evaluation procedure. Due to their importance at national level, the federal and state governments jointly fund the institutes of the Leibniz Association.The Leibniz institutes employ around 19,100 people, including 9,900 scientists and researchers. The institutes have a total budget of more than 1.9 billion euros.