Equality at Leibniz-IWT
Equal opportunities are regarded as a fundamental management task at Leibniz-IWT. Gender equality is to be integrated into all management and decision-making processes as a quality criterion for good management and is to be regarded as a permanent cross-sectional task. The necessary management skills are developed and expanded as part of suitable personnel development measures.
Leibniz-IWT actively pursues equality between women and men and is therefore committed to applying the Bremen State Equality Act (LGG). The Women's and Gender Equality Officer elected in accordance with the LGG and her deputy, together with other members of the Women's Representative Collective, advise and support the Board of Directors in implementing the LGG and the Leibniz Gender Equality Standards, to which Leibniz-IWT committed itself when it became a member of the Leibniz Association at the beginning of 2018.
In areas where women are underrepresented, Leibniz IWT aims to increase the proportion of women among its employees. A transparent advertisement and application process involving the Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer from the job advertisement to recruitment is a key component of this.
The Leibniz IWT's plan for the advancement of women sets out the objectives and measures for equal opportunities and the professional advancement of women at Leibniz IWT. The plan for the advancement of women is agreed every four years between the Board of Directors and the Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers and its implementation and effectiveness is regularly reviewed by a committee consisting of the Board of Directors, the Human Resources Department and the Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers. Confirmation of the existence of a Gender Equality Plan can be found here.
Leibniz-IWT also promotes the compatibility of career and family through flexible working time models and part-time employment and has been "audit berufundfamilie" certified for this since 2020 and was recertified in 2023.